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鬼灭之刃 兄妹的羁绊


主演:大塚芳忠 梶裕贵 加隈亚衣 冈本信彦 


更新:2024-02-17 13:00

动漫 国产动漫  日本 2019

鬼灭之刃 兄妹的羁绊无需安装任何插件
鬼灭之刃 兄妹的羁绊无需安装任何插件


《鬼灭之刃 兄妹的羁绊》是外崎春雄导演的作品,发行于2019年(日本),由大塚芳忠,梶裕贵,加隈亚衣,冈本信彦等主演,樱花动漫-专注动漫的门户网站为大家提供鬼灭之刃 兄妹的羁绊完整版免费在线观看,能在手机和电脑上流畅观看鬼灭之刃 兄妹的羁绊高清版(更新1080P日语原声),同时还支持是手机投屏。
动漫,国产动漫鬼灭之刃 兄妹的羁绊讲述了:< >Since ancient times, rumors have abounded of man-eating demons lurking in the woods. Because of this, the local townsfolk never venture outside at night. Legend has it that a demon slayer also roams the night, hunting down these bloodthirsty demons. For young Tanjirou, these rumors will soon to become his harsh reality. Ever since the death of his father, Tanjirou has taken it u on himself to su  ort his family. Although their lives may be hardened by tragedy, they9;ve found ha iness. But that e hemeral warmth is shattered one day when Tanjirou finds his family slaughtered and the lone survivor, his sister Nezuko, turned into a demon. To his sur rise, however, Nezuko still shows signs of human emotion and thought. Thus begins Tanjirou9;s journey to seek out the demon who killed their family and turn his sister human again<


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