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主演:OliverMiceli AndrewStirk 


更新:2021-05-20 22:43

动画 短片 动漫  英国 2004




动画,短片,动漫星外飞仙讲述了:< >主演:Oliver Miceli / Andrew Sti
导演:Marc Craste<br>语言:英语
地区: 英国
编剧:Marc Craste<br>类型:动画 / 短片
上映时间:2004-10-09 别名:
imdb编号:tt0391256< >< >Jo Jo in the Stars is a twelve minute film that went on to win the 2004 BAFTA Award for Best Animated Short Film. Created and directed by Marc Craste, it was ins ired by "The Carny", a song by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds featured on their 1986 album, Your Funeral... My Trial'. The song is also featured in the soundtrack of Wings of Desire directed by Wim Wenders in 1987. As the film director said, “"The Carny" combines circus music from hell with a wonderful story about a bunch of freaks, their sadistic owner and an old horse named Sorrow. Because the lyrics read like a short story, it seemed to suggest a film - a straight visual inter retation of the text.”      <br/>       The film tells the story of a silver- lated tra eze artist, Jo Jo, who is worshi ed from afar by an unnamed figure who learns that love rarely ends ha ily. In a bleak and brutal world, two lovers make a des erate stand against those who would destroy them. Love, self-sacrifice, heroism and murderous jealousy are layed out against a black and white world that is both nightmarish and hauntingly beautiful.< >< class="comment">《星外飞仙电影网友评论》
< >< class="com">上课时有写过此片的分镜头语言~再看一遍发现当时理解可能有些错误~~^_^不过画面,音乐和氛围真的很哥特~< >< class="com">黑白影像。科幻背景。马戏团监狱。爱情。虽说相濡以沫不如相忘于江湖,但很多人都自愿被爱囚禁、为爱牺牲。< >< class="com">为什么我觉得我看到了龙猫和Just-We?好吧我在煞风景还是有些凄美的爱情故事< >< class="com">看了眼,03年的,就不吐槽了。。。。BGM确实不错。< >< class="com">海报做的太好了~期待了好久的片子,虽然剧情简单了点。< ><  class="com">有一点压抑恐惧残忍,但还是美的。少见黑白色调的3D< >< class="com">伪表现主义+伪林奇主义,画面牛逼的直冒泡儿~< >< class="com">有点想起EVE和WALLE 不知道有没有关系< >< class="com">造型有点Q版的蝙蝠侠的感觉,故事太老套< >< class="com">飞行,外太空,永远不会过时的题材。< >< class="com">一个伤感的爱情故事,黑白冷色调< >< class="com">凄美的爱情故事,另bgm好美< >< class="com">/-dASyKyq-G


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