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暴力监狱 第三季


主演:DavidWain TeddyCohn ChristyKaracas ChristopherMcCulloch Eric 


更新:2021-05-21 00:44

剧情 喜剧 动画 犯罪 动漫  美国 0




《暴力监狱 第三季》是Christy,Karacas,Stephen,Warbrick导演的作品,发行于0年(美国),由DavidWain,TeddyCohn,ChristyKaracas,ChristopherMcCulloch,EricBauza,DanaSnyder,RichardMathar等主演,樱花动漫-专注动漫的门户网站为大家提供暴力监狱 第三季完整版免费在线观看,能在手机和电脑上流畅观看暴力监狱 第三季高清版(英语原声),同时还支持是手机投屏。
剧情,喜剧,动画,犯罪,动漫暴力监狱 第三季讲述了:Su erjail! is an American animated television series  roduced by Augenblick Studios the first season and Titmouse, Inc. the second and third season. The series follows the events that take lace in an unusual rison.[3] The ilot e isode aired on television on May 13, 2007, and its first season began on Se tember 28, 2008. Su erjail! is characterized by its sychedelic shifts in setting and lot and extreme gra hic violence, which give the series a TV-MA-V (for gra hic violence and bloodshed) rating.[4] These elements are de icted through highly elaborate animated sequences, which have been described as "baroque and com licated and hard to take in at a single viewing". Many of the eo le involved with the series are involved, or have at least been involved with, other o ular cartoon series such as Adventure Time, Beavis and Butthead, Daria, and Aqua Teen Hunger Force.< style="text-align:center;">< icture>< ictur< >< style="text-align:center;">< icture>< icture>< >< class="com">越看越好看型 第一季还不是特别喜欢 现在喜欢的不要不要的~ 机器人只爱小孩子~ 狱长很可爱呀很可爱 看着蛮受的哈哈哈 声音很好听 < ><  class="com">真是佩服得五体投地!!脑洞这要开刀什么程度才能想出那么多鬼点子啊!!!强烈感谢@漫迪字幕组为什么献上的好作品啊!!!!个人评价:S。< >< class="com">感觉这一季似乎高峰了,在绘画风格和剧情上都达到了很好的平衡。非常推荐TroubleswithTri lets这一集,各种游戏neta< >< class="com">又名:无限复活,下饭神器,LGBT正义联盟。爱丽丝当之无愧女(男)神,不喜欢丧病的双胞胎,戏份能否少一点,狱长彻底黑化很带感呢。< ><  class="com">(隐隐觉得还是下降了)双子戏份变多,连亲友团都来了,满足!狱长变身太多太快都看不清了!stingray太可爱啊啊啊!!< >< class="com">好看好看好看好看好看!!!看的时候发现室友也看过!!真的超级好看!好喜欢这种风格!色彩造型分镜脑洞都很绝!!!< >


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